Category Archives: Uncategorized

Real World Example of a Composite Function

One example of a composite function is the cost of life insurance as one ages. First one’s life insurance cost goes up depending on the age of the buyer, that in turn is dependent on the current date. This is … Continue reading

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Real World Example of Exponential Growth

Bacterial growth follows exponential growth. For example if a bacteria take 24 hours to divide, then at time = 0 there would be one, t=1 there would be 2, t=2 there would be 4, etc. What it means for an … Continue reading

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Real World Example of a Derivative

One simple example of a real world derivative would be the speedometer inside the car. This device shows the instantaneous rate of change, i.e. speed. More specifically it shows the speed fairly accurately that one is traveling at that moment. … Continue reading

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What is a real world example of a limit? Also, ask 1 question about exponentials, logarithms or limits.

The universal law of gravitation obeys a limit and is therefore a real world example. The acceleration of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between any two objects. Thus no matter how far one is from … Continue reading

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What is the difference between the product of two functions f(x)⋅g(x) and the composition of them f(g(x))?

The difference between the product of two function and composition of them is fairly big. When one multiplies two functions, that is just that, multiplication. However a composition requires that the inner function be substituted for “x” in the outer … Continue reading

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Trigonometry is about the Geometry of a Circle

Trigonometry is not necessarily the geometry of a circle, but every trigonometric function of an angle can be constructed/defined geometrically from the unit circle. It shows that trigonometry is linked to circles from the very start. There are other uses and definitions, however … Continue reading

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